Norbugang Gewog is located in the southern part of Pemagatshel Dzongkhag under Nganglam Dungkhag with a total area of approximately 181.7 sq. km at 1100 meters from sea level. The Gewog consists of 5 chiwog namely Norbugang-Rinchenzor, Nyingshingborang, Tshaelshingzor, Gashari, and Maenchu Nganglam. Among three Gewog under Nganglam Dungkhag, Norbugang covers the largest area followed by Dechenling and Choekhorling. It shares its boundary with Zhemgang Dzongkhag toward the east, Choekhorling in the west, Dechenling in the North, and Indian toward the south. The Nganglam-Panbang National Highway of 55km passes through the Norbugang Gewog area. The Gewog center is situated 24 km away from Nganglam Dungkhag. There are 633 households with a total population of 4263 and 41 chortens. Kamzhinng and Tsheri are the major Landholdings. The type of soil is sandy and clayey loamy. Orange is the main cash crop, and rearing of Jersey cows is a major livestock activity. The Gewog has a total number of 4 schools namely two primary schools, one middle school, and one center school. Furthermore, it also has one RNR center, one community information center, and one sub-post.